events 0.6.1
- Fixed a bug where read_events2 and read_keds2 would not accept
a vector of filenames as read_events and read_keds do
- Updated documentation for the one a day filter to clarify that
date, source, target, and event code determine duplicate status
- Updated README and added reference to data.table
events 0.6
- Updated the code to pass modern checks, the contact email to
one that works, and the vignette to note that you can do
everything here with dplyr and tidyr these days
- read_eventdata now checks for KEDS documentation markers and
ignores these lines (provided they always come first, which
they seem to empirically)
- An rmd vignette
- '' generic implemented sensibly for event scale objects
- 'read_eventdata2' and 'read_keds2' are slower than their counterparts but
more robust to line noise and pasted together KEDS output files.
events 0.5 (2012-01-07)
- Made read_keds a special case of read_eventdata, a general purpose
event data data reading function
- read_keds now reads multiple output files
- now bundles CAMEO codes and conflict-cooperation scores
events 0.4
- introduced underscore functions because we like python and we now can
- count data output now possible with dyad function
- now has tests for most functions using test_that